Bovinoes Is A Sizzling Treat For Beef Lovers

Steaks are a tricky business. And no, I don’t mean chicken, but the succulent slabs of beef available in various cuts. It’s all a game of temperature they’re cooked and rested at; even a minute less or more can affect the texture. Though it depends on an individual what temperature they want their steak toContinueContinue reading “Bovinoes Is A Sizzling Treat For Beef Lovers”

Eat Healthy With Grab Your Meal

Photo courtesy Grab Your Meal Is healthy, nutritious, calculated eating the ‘it’ trend in town? Maybe not yet, but there is potential, definitely. People now are more than ever conscious of what and how much they eat. Eating habits do take time to evolve and where food is passion, people will want to try outContinueContinue reading “Eat Healthy With Grab Your Meal”

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